I have stretched and created the nurb in the first leg and will go onto the second leg; there is no cause for alarm yet :-*, but it may also just be a computer thing. The file said "File contains unknown nodes or data. To preserve this information, the current file type cannot be changed." This could just be what it is, however idk so lmk. I have continued to the stretching of the spine in that happens in the second video and have put the stretch in the second leg as well as the first and I was able to change the mb to an ma file thanks Jeff. This where I finished the second chapter and ended on the second video of the 3rd video this is also where I create a fk and an ik handle. showing off how to use the shape editor and its uses on how to make to facial expressions. This video shows me taking the skin of the model; and learning how to tug at it by point constrain and a locator. had to pull up the exercise file because I had wit...